v2.1 [Oct 8, 2011]
- Fixed a bug where export would no longer work after using the app for some time.
- Now correctly opens projects that are dropped on Ulysses' dock icon.
- Tweaked the ePub exporter to better comply with specs.
v1.0 [Apr 4, 2013]
The “Update all, if you update one”-Update
IMPORTANT: If you’re using iCloud sync, we strongly urge you to update all installations on all your Macs to 1.0.3, or else we can’t sleep at night. Seriously, we will sit awake or wander the fields and can’t do any future development, because we can’t concentrate. Don’t let this happen.
Update now, and here’s why:
- Switched to standard Markdown image syntax (as opposed to MMD)
- Added “Description” field for images (becomes ALT attribute in HTML)
- Fixed indentations when exporting code to plain text
- Fixed new lines at the beginning of HTML code blocks
- Fixed wrong export of UTF-8 line breaks in Markdown code blocks (don’t ask)
- Fixed the creation of .txt files in External Sources (we thought you wouldn’t notice)
- Fixed the import of sheets with user-defined markup
- Added support for the upcoming Ulysses III exporter in Ulysses 2 (U2toU3.ulysex)
- Improved application stability