TV Time 32.3

Add notifications not to miss TV broadcasts.
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32.3 See all
Used by 4 people
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Memorize the time of broadcasts of your favorite television programming. Create a schedule with automated notifications and reminders of when the new episode of a certain show is airing. The utility accesses official databases and color-codes different schedule entries.

Have you ever missed your favourite TV show because you forgot when it was going to air ?
Then TV Time is the only app you'll ever need to stay up to date with your favourite TV shows.
Features :
• Color-coded markers - intuitively find when the shows are going to air.
• iCloud - keep your shows in sync.
• Notifications - never forget to watch your favourite TV shows again.
• Detailed information - easily get everything you need to know.
• Gorgeous graphics - just see for yourself !
• Social - integration with Twitter and Facebook so you can share with your friends.

Screenshots (3)



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