As the name suggests, TrashRecover is a software tool capable of creating backups of your deleted items, in order to be able to recover them at a later date. It is very useful when you accidentally delete a file and then you remember that it was a mistake.
Once the installation is complete and you enter the program, you are welcomed by a simple GUI, comprised of two menu tabs and a few configuration options. The icons look good, though they don't present anything innovative.
Moving on to its functionalities, TrashRecover is a tool that it's very useful for Mac computers where it's not convenient to set up the 'TimeMachine'. It was built using Apple File System cloning, it's quite fast and efficient, and users are able to perform advanced configuration while using the desired amount of disk space.
From the settings, it's possible to select certain files and exclude them from the automatic backup operation, or either delete them or pause the program.
Overall, despite not having the most attractive interface, TrashRecover is a tool that provides reliability and doesn't require advanced computer skills in order to run it.