Synchronize! Pro X is a professional-strength system backup and file synchronization utility for Mac OS X.
Synchronize! Pro X has many uses. As an example, you can use Synchronize! Pro X to backup your OS X startup disk to another hard disk, so that the backup disk is bootable. Update your backup with "Fast scan" enabled, and it will be done 10x faster!
You can sync your home folder with a file server, or your PowerBook, or a FireWire disk, so that the files on both are up-to-date.
Synchronize! Pro X is specifically engineered for OS X, taking advantage of the modern properties of the operating system, such as pre-emptive multitasking, and supporting the full capabilities of the file system, including 255-character Unicode file names and OS X file permissions. Files are copied at the maximum speed possible, using pre-emptive multitasking to full advantage. It makes bootable backups of OS X system disks, without logging in as 'root'. "Fast scan" makes updating a bootable backup incredibly quick, and real-time folder watching starts backups when files are changed. Old files can be archived rather than deleted. The status of backups can be monitored and accessed from any Web browser and email can be sent when backups happen, don't happen or have errors.
Synchronize! Pro X actions can be scheduled to be performed at night or at any preset time, once or periodically, without anyone present. Passwords can be supplied automatically for file server connections.
Commercial, professional grade version of the classic local server environment for OS X: MAMP.
Simple, flexible, non-bloated, single-entry bookkeeping and accounting system for the Mac.