readXML is a very simple application that spherico use for some internal stuff and testing with spherico work and the work of of costumers.
spherico got quite a lot of questions about Final Cut Pro XMLs during the last years and spherico saw a lot of people giving up on working with XML, and spherico did see the poll result of Larry Jordans May Newsletter, where XML turned out to be top of the bottom features of FCP. Thinking about that, spherico thought it could be a nice idea to release a little bit modified free version of readXML to the public - though not with all the features the internal app has.
Maybe it helps people to understand the power behind FCP's XML, or makes some co-worker's communication better. It also may be used as a simple movie player which does show timecode or allows simple transcriptions to be made.
readXML - as the name somehow says - does read FCP XMLs.
You can load any kind of XML from FCP, but only clips or sequences will be parsed dependent upon the user's choice what to process.
So importing a project will list all clips, sequences and bins and allows to select one of the clips (or sequences) at the root level or inside any bin.