Assume control of a space marine fighting against a race of alien invaders and engage in combat with AI in the story mode or launch multiplayer challenges and compete against other players in such modes as "capture the flag" or "deathmatch". Various futuristic weapons are available.
Quake II is the popular first-person shoot-em-up game that has been ported to MacOS X. The download includes the software and OpenGL renderer plug-ins. The source code is available. What's New
Version 1.1:
- Recompiled as Universal Binary.
- Redesigned startup dialog.
- Optimized the software renderer for windowed modes.
- Windowed modes (software renderer) are now resizeable.
- The game will renderer inside the Dock document icon (instead of the application icon) if minimized.
- Screenshots are now saved in PNG format.
- Minor bug fixes. Requirements
- PPC / Intel
- Mac OS X 10.1 or later
- Quake II (retail version)