Packages 1.2

Free Create Mac installation and distribution packages with ease.
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Latest version:
1.2.10 See all
Free   8 MB
Open source
Used by 168 people
Awards: Mac Informer Editor Rating 5
Info updated on:

Packages helps you create installation and distribution packages. In this regard, it supports adding installer plugins as well as using flat packages formats. It lets you pick the contents of your packages, which may include applications, bundles, documents and folders.

The application comes with a welcome menu to help you pick a template for your project, which can be Distribution or Raw Package. By selecting to create a distribution, you can include various packages as well as use a welcome message and customize its appearance. A raw package, in turn, lets you install files at specific locations. In both cases, you can specify user permissions if they are necessary.

It is excellent that Packages works as an integrated packaging environment. In this respect, it includes various tools. There is a built-in WYSIWYG editor, which allows customizing the look of your distribution. For instance, you can personalize the title, background, welcome message, read me message, end-user license agreement and conclusion message. It even lets you distribute multiple localizations and preview the package interface in different languages.

In addition, there is a dependencies editor which lets you establish dependency relationships between your choices and even checks for looping errors. The requirements editor is another tool that allows defining simple requirements without needing to use code. Yet, in case of more complex requirements, it is possible to use JavaScript. Finally, the application supports signing distribution packages with certificates to avoid unauthorized modifications to their original contents. The resulting packages are in PKG format.

All in all, Packages comes in very handy if you need to create installation and distribution packages. Thus, it is most helpful for developers. Luckily, the product is freeware.

PC Senior editor
Pedro Castro
Editor rating:

Screenshots (8)

Review summary


  • Built-in WYSIWYG editor
  • Dependencies editor
  • Requirements editor
  • Supports network distributions
  • Supports using JavaScript for more complex requirements


  • Does not seem to support DMG


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