Night Sky 12.6

Display the stars and planets for any latitude, date, and time.
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12.6 See all
Kaweah Concepts
Used by 106 people
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Night Sky 3.3 is a planetarium for Mac OS 10.2 'Jaguar'. Night Sky displays the night sky for any latitude, date, and time. This includes 20,000 stars (files with up to 50,071 stars available), the Messier catalog of deep space objects, the planets out to Neptune, the moon, and the sun. With registration, Night Sky can print sky displays or save to PNG and JPEG formats,'open concurrent star files, display the sky along the horizon, indicate sky regions obscured by daylight, edit star and constellation data, and facilitate the drawing of free-form lines over sky displays. New in version 3.3: Change time zones from the navigation bar (time zone dialogue no longer available). The time, position, and star detail dialogues are Aqua-based, and no longer block over Night Sky processes.



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