Maintenance is an easy-to-use Mac utility that allows you to run various system maintenance and cleaning tasks. With the help of this handy application you can easily improve the overall performance of your system with just a few clicks of a mouse.
After checking your volumes and the S.M.A.R.T. status of your disks at launch, Maintenance will let you select which tasks you want to run in a very simple and intuitive manner. All you have to do is check the desired boxes and start the maintenance process. You can set this application to repair permissions, clean system, application or fonts cache, delete recent and temporary items, rebuild LaunchServices, Spotlight index and much more.
Maintenance comes with a simple and minimalistic interface that you can easily customize by accessing the "Preferences" menu. Besides being able to modify the appearance and opacity of this application, you can also modify its behavior and select what to display at launch or when quitting.
Overall, Maintenance is a handy Mac tool that can prove to be quite useful if you want to run various system maintenance, rebuild and cleaning tasks on your system in a simple and intuitive manner.