Check out a suite for organizing and controlling business finances. Work with an invoice generation module to produce documents according to your requirements, add new clients to the database and attach the relevant documentation. Monitor the time spent on individual contracts.
MacFreelance is a powerful tool that helps Mac users to perform accounting tasks with ease. It comes with a well-polished interface, and an easy-to-use menu that will grant the users quick access to all of the features. The main window is nicely split into two separate regions, one destined to manage projects and the other destined to manage clients. The tool also allows the users to add invoices, which are basically commercial notes that provide information about a transaction.
For each client, the tool provides detailed information in the main window, showing date, time, notes, balance and so on. For each project, the tool shows details like price, quantity, balance, notes and so on. The functionality of this feature-rich application is great, and the resource consumption is low, so it can be used simultaneously with other applications. This piece of software is highly customizable, as it allows the users to change general settings, appearance, taxes, invoices and so on.
All taken into consideration, it is safe to say that MacFreelance is a powerful tool for keeping track of clients, projects, billing, etc; it comes with an appealing interface and provides valuable information about projects and clients.