Kremlin Encrypt

Kremlin Encrypt provides an easy-to-use interface to powerful cryptography.


Kremlin Encrypt provides an easy-to-use interface to powerful cryptography. You can encrypt files with one of six algorithms, including RC4 and Blowfish.

Encryption with Kremlin is easy to do and completely transparent. For example: to encrypt a file, just right-click on the file and choose Kremlin Encrypt.

After you enter your passphrase, it is hashed with a 64-bit random salt using SHA1 (implemented as per the FIPS 180-1 standard) hash algorithm. This produces a 160 bit digest, which is then used as the key to the encryption algorithm. If a block encryption algorithm is selected, encryption is performed in enhanced Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode.

The encrypted kgb file can be transferred across the platforms! For example you can encrypt the file on PC and then copy and decrypt it on MAC.

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Guest 10 years ago

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