Kgb app mac os x social advice

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Kremlin Decrypt allows you to decrypt the files you have encrypted. To use it, just double-click on the encrypted .kgb file. You should then enter your passphrase. It will appear obscured with stars (optionally disabled) to prevent other people from reading it off your screen.

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Kremlin Encrypt provides an easy-to-use interface to powerful cryptography. You can encrypt files with one of six algorithms, including RC4 and Blowfish.
Encryption with Kremlin is easy to do and completely transparent. For example: to encrypt a file, just right-click on the file and choose Kremlin Encrypt.

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Buy a Mercedes, choose a jet, hire an agent and a secretary, find a lawyer, get into plane, and travel around the world....

Cold War, KGB Contract, Texas 

Build your own private spy agency.

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