IINA versions

Watch movies and play your favorite music from one place.
Jan 9, 2024
Sep 6, 2020
Mar 23, 2018
Apr 16, 2018
Editorial review
Jan 14, 2017
Editorial review
Jan 24, 2017

What's new

v0.0 [Jan 14, 2017]
- New: Thumbnail preview - IINA will show the thumbnail for time when you hover the progress slider.
- New: It's available for Touch Bar too! Just like QuickTime's. The thumbnails will be cached for performance, and you can clear them in Preferences. This feature can also be turned off completely.
- Multiple window support: Now IINA will open videos in new windows by default. Pressing Option (⌥) when using Open (⌘O) or Open URL (⇧⌘O) to open videos in current window.
- Drag-and-drop of playlist items across windows.
- Welcome window: added a welcome window at launch to avoid confusing new users. If you don't like it, you can switch back to "show open panel" or "do nothing" in Preferences easily. You can also make it default to open new videos in current window in Preferences.
- Fixed subtitle encoding not working.
- Fixed distorted album cover when playing music.
- Fixed minimized window showing up when auto playing next media.
- Fixed some logic when auto adding files into playlist.
- Fixed some crashes and improved stability.
- Hardware decoding doesn't work properly with video filters (flip, crop, etc). Now IINA will give you possible suggestions when you try to apply a video filter.
- Improved the animation when entering full screen.
- Made the open panel being able to add multiple files to playlist at once.
- Improved precision when auto matching subtitles.
- Set the default max volume to 100.
- Correct URL handing in playback history.
- Improved the appearance of Touch Bar slider.
- Improved grammatical stuff and wording.
- Added associations of more file types.
- New localization: Spanish and Ukrainian.
- Other minor changes.

Alternative downloads

VLC media player
VLC media player

Watch your favorite movies and listen to your music from one app.

DivX Player
DivX Player

This application enables you to watch movies on your Mac.


Play your favorite movies and music, preview images, etc.

DVDFab Media Player
DVDFab Media Player

Free Mac video player. It plays all the video formats you have (H.265/UHD/4K videos not included) with up to 1080p resolution. Features Playback...

Zappiti Media Center
Zappiti Media Center

Free media player and entertainment hub.