Icon Composer 2x lets you customize the appearance of your macOS system by changing the original set of icons. It comes to replace Apple’s Icon Composer, which is no longer available. It is great that this application supports icons with Retina resolution. However, it is shame that the product comes with absolutely no help documentation, which means that one practically has to figure out what it does and how to use it.
The tool’s interface is very simple. In this respect, there are seven spaces which correspond to different icon resolutions, including 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32 and 16. Unfortunately, it seems to support only icons in the ICNS format, the one used by Mac. This means that you cannot use it to convert other types of image files into icons. Although you can load icons using the standard Open command menu, you will probably find it more convenient to drag and drop them onto the app’s window instead. However, you should drag the icon to the location that corresponds to its size because it will not be automatically resized to fit the selected space. Finally, it supports saving your work in ICNS files.
All in all, Icon Composer 2x is a small application with a very specific function: compose new icons for your system. Even though it is not one of those tools you need to use every day, it is excellent news that is available at no cost.