Hold'em Signs - Hold'em Poker analysis- and online Odds Calculator including preflop evaluation Hold'em Signs is for any games situation quoting your.


Hold'em Signs - Hold'em Poker analysis- and online Odds Calculator including preflop evaluation
Hold'em Signs is for any games situation quoting your win-, lose- and tie-odds and provides learning and improving your hold'em poker.
Preflop as well as postflop.

Pot odds are assisted.
It displays yours and your opponents' handrank odds with your handrank textually including kicker cards. A mathematical recommendation based on your current game situation will be calculated to raise, call, bet, check
or fold.
Developing Hold'em Signs we attached great importance to make it easy to handle.
Calculations start automatically and all actions are mouse click optimized.
Hold'em Signs is useable as assistance for all Hold'em online poker games or as a referee for Hold'em poker live events.
Features of Hold'em Signs:
- Online-mode for online poker
- Preflop evaluation
- Indication of odds in %, 1:X or X:1 format
- Integration of pot odds
- Analyse-mode for 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 4 and 2 players table sizes
- Supports 4 colored deck cards
- Convenient folding and intermissioning of players
- Indication of your current hand rank including kicker cards
- Indication of all handrank odds for you and your opponents including Royal Flush
- Indication of a mathematical recomendation to raise, call, bet, check or fold in the current game
- Calculating of odds within less than 1 secound
- Automatically starting odd calculations
- Easy to handle user interface
- Miscellaneous card, table and background designs selectable
- Supports input of player names
- Comprehensive help system with tooltips
- Automatical card cursor positioning
- Simple deleting of given cards
- Indication of all odds for every player selectable

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