Headlines brings together all of the news you are interested in and displays it on one page for quick and easy reading. To help with readability, the news items are split into columns. No longer will you spend every morning opening stacks of browser tabs just to keep up with the today’s headlines, and no longer will you be bombarded with advertising imagery.
When you click on a news item on Headline's home page, the actual webpage of the article will appear. Using the Headlines button or the back navigation control will take you back to Headline's home page. Touch pad users can also perform 2 finger swipes left and right to navigate backwards and forwards.
By default Headlines grays-out read articles. If you prefer that read articles are hidden or always visible, this can be changed in the preferences.
To mark an article as read, hold down the Cmd (Apple) key whilst clicking on an article's link. To mark an article as unread just repeat the steps.
Right mouse clicking or control-clicking on an article's link displays a context menu that allow the article to be marked as read or unread. You can also open the article in Safari or copy the link.
An additional 7 pages can be added to Headlines allowing you to group news by categories. You can quickly jump between pages using the shortcut key Cmd+1 - for the first page, Cmd+2 - for the second, etc.
To display the news you are interested in, just open Headline’s preferences window and replace the list of default RSS news feeds with those of your favorite websites. You can also import your RSS feeds from Mail or Safari, and even import subscriptions from third party news readers (that support exporting in the OPML format).
By default when a new headline arrives and you are not viewing the Headlines application, you are notified by a notification window that appears in the top-right corner of the desktop. If you do not wish to see notifications you can turn this option off in the preferences. Headlines integrates with Mountain Lion's notification system.
The URL of the article you are viewing is shown in at the bottom of the application's window, a context menu allows you to open the article in a web browser.
There is an option in the preferences to display the time/date next to each article's headline.
The default maximum number of articles to be displayed can be specified in the preferences window (specifying a 0 will display all articles). The maximum number of articles to be displayed can also be specified on a feed by feed basic by appending ?hlimit=5 to end of the feed url. In this example the feed would be limited to 5 articles (specifying a 0 will display all articles).
The default number of articles to be displayed with descriptions (and images) can be specified in the preferences window (specifying a 0 will display all article descriptions).
The keyboard shortcut combination Shift+ increases the default font size. Shift- decreases the default font size.
The keyboard shortcut Delete navigates backwards. The keyboard shortcut Shift+Delete navigates forwards.