Graph Paper can help you create customized graph paper sheets for different purposes. The tool is actually very simple to use so there is no way you can have problems to use it. In this regard, its interface takes the form of a 2-step wizard. First, you need to pick one of the supported types of graph paper. Then, you may customize additional parameters to meet your exact needs. Even though you may not need a user guide, it is good to know there is one available just in case.
The program supports a wide array of paper types, including Graph Paper, Axonometric, Note Paper, Crosses Paper, Dots Paper, Engineering, Hexagon, Isometric, Lined Paper, Polar, Trapezoid, Ternary, Grid and Brick. Moreover, if you are not familiar with the technical words used to describe them, there are visual representations for you to know what they refer to.
Depending on the type of paper you select, you need to provide additional parameters. Since there are probably too many fields to fill in, it is great there is something called “Easy Graph Wizard”, which simplifies data entry at the expense of details.
Once you have finished setting the desired paper sheet, you can proceed to generate it, which is done by creating a PDF document. This has the advantage that you can print your sheets from anywhere, even if Graph Paper Maker is not installed on the machine. However, it is not possible to send your work directly to a connected printer. more
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