This utility was created to offer you a simple way to keep track of your clipboard entries. Flycut (Clipboard manager) lives on your Menu Bar from where you can configure its appearance and basic settings and access the list of clipboard items (the text content you copy to your clipboard).
Even though on its homepage it says that this program was created for developers, the application can also be used by anyone who wishes to easily manage clippings. The utility brings you simple-to-configure options, lets you define a global hotkey for immediately pasting text content from its clipboard records, and uses a small amount of CPU resources while sitting on your Menu Bar.
A nice feature is the ability to sync the clippings you store in this application to your Dropbox account. This way, you can have access to your clipboard items when you're away from your Mac, by connecting to your Dropbox account from your phone or other computer.
Another advantage is that it provides you with an option (in the Preference panel) to automatically delete duplicated clippings from its records.
Overall, I was pretty impressed by the way this program worked. It didn't slow down my Mac while using it for managing my clippings and it was very simple to handle.
With that being said, you should definitely give this free application a try if you require a simple yet powerful clipboard manager for your Mac.
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