This game is the first installment of the Drawn cinematic series where your goal is to unravel the mystery within the Painted Tower and save Iris, a young girl who's trapped inside. The app brings you an intriguing plot, a wide range of challenging puzzles to solve, and amazing locations to explore.
Drawn The Painted Tower comes with impressive graphics, a nice background music, and sound effects that perfectly match the game's plot. Also, on almost every location you explore, you get to interact with other characters that provide you with plenty of hints.
The app automatically saves your game progress, offers you hints whenever you require, and brings you a very useful help guide.
It's very simple to get drawn into this game due to its numerous challenges and captivating storyline. Even though some of the puzzles might seem a bit difficult, with a little persistence and intuition, you can find the solution for each riddle.
To sum things up, Drawn The Painted Tower is an addictive game that can keep you in front of your Mac for hours. After playing dozens of similar games over the years, I really must say that Drawn The Painted Tower is by far one of my favorites due to its dozens of challenging puzzles, interesting plot, and amazing graphics.