dixio desktop 1.5

Dixio is the solution for all those who care about their language.
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17.9 MB
Used by 18 people
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Dixio is the solution for all those who care about their language
Who want to learn more and enrich their vocabulary: when you receive a presentation or prepare a document, when you are reading in Internet or preparing your curriculum, writing an e-mail or expanding your knowledge in the Web.
All operating systems should have it!

Contextual, semantic and with the best contents
Define and translate by clicking on any word
Semantic analysis. The most appropriate meaning according to the context
In English and Spanish
The best dictionaries: Oxford, Vox, Semantix Bilingual, etc.
More than 95 dictionaries (8 times more than before), 23 million words at your service
Wikipedia, visual content, thematic



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