Simple tool for creating digital and e-signatures in your PDF documents.


DigiSigner is a simple tool for creating digital and e-signatures in your PDF documents. You can create digital signatures to cryptographically protect your files and provide confidence to your customers.

Or create e-signatures just by typing your name or inserting images of your choice.
Sign your documents faster
- Sign your PDFs in less than two minutes without getting out of your chair. You don't need to print, scan or fax your documents anymore. Digital signatures are a modern and ecological way to sign your files. Protect your documents
- Digital signatures you create with DigiSigner protect your PDF files from tampering. Give more confidence to your customers and show them that you care about security. Design your signatures
- Make your digital signatures look professional. Create your own signature appearance using different images and fonts. Add your company logo to it. Decide what should be shown and what not. Be creative. Verify your signatures
- DigiSigner verifies digital signatures for you to ensure that your document was not changed or damaged. It is as easy as clicking on them. DigiSigner informs you who signed the document and reports other important details. Sign using smartcards
- Use smartcards and USB tokens (a.k.a. PKCS#11 tokens) to digitally sign your documents. DigiSigner also automatically recognizes certificates in your internal Apple key chain. Time stamp server support
- Make your signatures more secure and trustworthy by getting the current time for them from a time stamp server of your choice. This way you can always prove the real time the signature was created. Adobe Reader interoperability
- Signatures produced with DigiSigner are visible and verifiable in standard Adobe Reader tool. Visible signatures created with Adobe Reader or other applications can be also opened and verified using DigiSigner. DigiSigner is a simple tool with much functionality. Get it and try it 30 days for free!

DigiSigner Software