Formats and checks dates strings to insert into Objective-C or Swift code.


Date Format Creator is intended for formatting and checking dates. In this respect, the application can generate date strings that you can paste into Objective-C or Swift code.

The utility is tiny and has no other purpose, which makes it also extremely easy to use.

In order to convert a string into a date, you need to enter the desired string in the corresponding box. Then, the string gets automatically translated into a date, which you can check both visually (calendar and clock) and as a text. Additionally, it is possible to configure your date formatter and there is even a table to help you with that. Good news is that there is a notification to let you know whether the date format appears valid or not. Finally, there are two buttons (Obj-C and Swift) to copy the resulting code to the clipboard. This operation also shows an emergent window with the text copied.

In short, Date Format Creator can come in handy for developers. In this respect, this application can help you avoid time parsing errors while you are writing your code. Its limitations are related to being too specific. In this respect, it does not translate quantities of time or time intervals into strings. The product can be installed from the Mac App Store at no cost, an opportunity you should not miss.


  • Supports converting date strings into objective-C and Swift code


  • Does not translate quantities of time or time intervals into strings
Mark Bridges
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