This program was created for people who collect comic books and require an easy way to inventory their collections. ComicBookLover enables you to organize your collection with just a few clicks, allows you to read your favorite comic books directly from its interface, and much more.
You can add artworks and various types of information to each comic book entry, rate every item from your collection, use the built-in search to easily find a product from your inventory, etc. The app is very intuitive, so even average computer users can easily complete the aforementioned tasks on their Macs.
Another great thing about this program is that it lets you choose between various reading modes (fullscreen, Manga mode, on external display, etc.). It also features zoom option which comes in handy when reading comic books with small fonts.
Unfortunately, the application lacks two important features. For starters, it doesn't provide you with an option to back up the stored information to a text file or to a Cloud account. Furthermore, the app doesn't come with an integrated search tool for searching comic book info online. Many apps like ComicBookLover offer you these two features.
However, you could test the trial version of the program if the aforementioned aspects don't mean much to you. Even though it's missing two important features, it still has a lot to offer, from various ways to organize your collection to the ability to read comic books on your Mac.
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