Christmasville: The Missing Santa ADVENTures is a game where your objective is to investigate the disappearance of Santa Claus. On your journey, you will need to find series of hidden objects on multiple locations and collect clues to help you solve your case.
Its graphics don't look too impressive. However, the locations where you need to find missing items are nicely-drawn and the background music fits perfectly.
Another good aspect about this puzzle game is the fact that it provides you with plenty of useful hints. This feature comes in handy whenever you're trying to complete a hidden object level and fail to locate a missing item.
Personally, I think this game is suitable for children only due to its funny-looking characters and dialogue. You can find dozens of hidden object games related to Christmas that provide you with better graphics and more challenges.
So, I'd say it's worth buying this game for your kids. The app is filled with various challenges, automatically saves your gameplay progress, and comes with a reasonable price.