v1.5 [May 7, 2012]
Complete refactoring of CSS Properties panel's code
Save in source view horks character set
Unprefixing box-shadow, border-radius and other updates
Allow BlueGriffon to open local *.php files; b=405
Allow changes of the document's charset
Floating toolbar was horked with the findbar
Create backup before saving a html file; b=401
Copy/paste makes all URLs absolute; b=398
Activeview popup too transparent; b=372
Html4 and html5 source views can be close without prompt, switch to DOMParser with text/html type; b=392
Fixed floating toolbar on linux
Serbian l10n added
Link Insertion dialog adds a mailto: to mail links even if already present; b=394
Comments, PHP and PI support; b=384
Negative margins were not allowed; b=383
Refine background-repeat UI; b=382
Revert, CloseTab and CloseOtherTabs as context menu on tabs; b=294
Floating toolbar now has a preference in Preferences panel
Formerly hidden pref forceLF now has a preference in Preferences panel
Better support for multiple charsets
Text-decoration:none option missing in CSS panel; b=381