BadPlastic is a simple but handy application that allows you to have all the information related to your credit cards in one place. You need to manually load the name and last four digits of your credit card with the currency in which you pay. For every card you create, you will be able to store all the information from your statements. For each statement you can enter the date, balance, limit, payment, monthly and annual rates. With all the information you enter, the program will automatically create and show a timeline of the statements in different colors, so you can easily recognize them. It also calculates and shows the percentage of credit used for each card and informs you approximately when you will be free of debt.
Unfortunately, the program doesn't include any customization options whatsoever, as there is no preference menu. It also would be great if you could attach documents related to the credits such as real statements, so you can easily take a look with one click.
To conclude, I really find BadPlastic useful if you have multiple credit cards and use them a lot. It is a good reminder of your debt in case you tend to forget and it helps you organize your payments more easily.