attributedCode 1.0

Design an attributed string (NSAttributedString) and generate Objective-C code for it at the same ti
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Latest version:
1.0.5 See all
Tomoyuki Okawa
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attributedCode lets you design an attributed string (NSAttributedString) and generate Objective-C code for it at the same time and in real time. It supports two development platforms - OS X and iOS. Depending on which development platform you choose, you will end up with different lines of code. attributedCode supports such styled text attributes as text color, text background color, text alignment, underlining, striking-through, text shadow, kerning (space between letters), paragraph (space between lines), text stroke. It doesn't just let you generate Objective-C code. It also lets you save current attributed text as an image file. Furthermore, you don't have to worry about losing progress after quitting the application. You can let the application save text attributes internally. Also, you can save current progress as an application document file so that you can reproduce last progress at any time.
What's new in this version:
1. Fix: The application could stay open even after the user quits it if the Quick Tour window is still open.
2. Fix: A saved image for the current attributed string was not properly created for a Retina display.



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