v3.6 [Jan 26, 2018]
- Improved Google Chrome support: Better discovery of profile folder when there is a single profile; Ability to select profile if more than one profile exists (in Alfred's Web Bookmarks feature preference; not synced, so selected profile can be different per machine).
- Improved, more consistent bookmark search behavior: Now matches arbitrary word order in search query; Flatten unicode space characters for better international word boundary support; Bookmark's folder will now be matched regardless of location in the typed query.
- Added new snippet search options (in Features > Snippets preferences): Snippet content can now be optionally searched in the Snippet Viewer and from the Snippet keyword; Snippet word matching mode can now be disabled allowing for broad non-anchored search to match the clipboard history search.
- Added new option to enable diacritic and unicode case insensitive searching of clipboard history items
Note that with very large clipboard databases, this can have an small effect on performance as Alfred implements a custom SQLite function for matching.
- Snippet Viewer and Snippet keyword now give consistent results.
- Clipboard history and snippet search now treats query spaces as wildcards for wider result matching.
- Improve reliability of sequential snippet expansion (one snippet immediately followed by a second snippet).
- Improve snippet time / date placeholder regex recognition to be more precise.
⌘S on a selected snippet in the Snippet Viewer now edits the snippet in Alfred's Preferences.
- The Large Type options have been moved from Appearance > Options to the Features preferences to make it more discoverable.
- Added new option to set the Large Type font.
- File Search / Navigation.
- Add ability to toggle visibility of preview view in Alfred's File System Navigation view. New button in bottom right of navigation view with shortcut ⇧⌘I.
- Updated search handler to perform less overall queries for lower resource usage.
- Prioritize files above bookmarks in the default file search, i.e. file types selected in Alfred's Default Results preferences.
- macOS 10.13 file search improvements
- Force default macOS metadata query sort order to be more predictable for when Alfred has no internal knowledge in macOS 10.13 (change backed out after Apple fixed bug in 10.13.2).
- Moved metadata query result handling off the event thread for improved responsiveness
- Added subtext to file search placeholders (open, find, in, tags), and added a please wait message if macOS response is slow.
- Fix small memory leak in file actions preview panel.
- New AppleScript to set and remove workflow configuration variables (See AppleScript dictionary).
- Fix connection rendering quirk when adding new objects in canvas by dragging to empty space.
- Also migrate the "with space" option on input objects when updating a workflow with "Migrate my settings" selected.
- Fix AppleScript Run Command definition to make the trigger id argument non-optional.
- Fix help button link in workflow about / environment variables sheet.
- General fixes and Improvements.
- Minor tweaks to default result item re-selection logic and performance.
- Fix selected shortcut highlight color in secondary view selection lists (e.g. navigation and actions views).
- Modernize web search icons for YouTube, Gmail and Weather.
- When using macOS High Sierra and Alfred's Lock command, Alfred will now simulate cmd+ctrl+q for instant lock.
- Add iTunes Mini Player playlist local (non-synced) suffix for unique Alfred playlists per Mac (Improves Mini Player behavior when iTunes is syncing playlists).
- Pressing return on terminal command keyword with no command typed now correctly sets it as the only visible result (framework tweak).
- Tweak to threading for background image loading in preferences Appearance tab to ensure integrity of UI thread.
- Deferred creation of Alfred Preferences package initial subfolders until they are needed, which reduces potential syncing conflicts when first setting Alfred up on multiple Macs and the initial Mac's preferences haven't fully synced / propagated.
- Added additional information when setting up syncing, including a warning when user selects iCloud Drive.
- List of preferences unique to each Mac when syncing moved from Advanced preferences to syncing help page, added help button linking to syncing page.
v2.0 [Mar 16, 2013]
- Notification Center:
- New Advanced > Notifications prefs for 10.8 to use Notification Center instead of Growl for notifications / extension outputs
- Option to remove notifications from Notification Center by clicking on them (in Alfred's Advanced > Notifications preferences)
- Contextually show Notification Center [instead of Growl] in Script Extension prefs if NC being used in 10.8
- Search for kMDItemKeywords when looking for Applications to allow e.g iCal to match Calendar
- Option to escape $ in extensions, fixing a long standing issue with great extensions such as AlfredTweet
- Minor performance improvements when cleaning up Alfred window
- Update to compiling with Xcode 4.4
- Option to remember destination history for copy/move actions to save re-searching for folders (on by default in Alfred's Features > File Navigation preferences.
- More friendly OS X "Contacts Access" request message
- Allow numerics in scheme part of URL recognition Bug Fixes:
- Fix dragging images directly from Safari into image wells (for custom search icons etc)
- Fix Emacs key binding interference with new File Buffer keys
- Prevent 1p from being prefixed to 1Password names in Alfred's preferences
- Make File Buffer preferences Powerpack Only (accidentally left in for non-functional prefs for non-Powerpack users)
- Add new isMountainLion framework to start introducing new Mountain Lion features e.g. Notification Center
- Make Powerpack code field slightly wider to cater for different font sets
- Implement delegate to always show 10.8 notifications, even if Alfred is active
- Fix cmd+ shortcuts in file system navigation which was broken in improving file buffer emacs bindings support
- Fix URL detection which was incorrectly treating email addresses as urls when using the email keyword
- Fix a few spelling mistakes in Alfred's preferences
v1.3 [Jul 4, 2012]
- Notification Center:
- New Advanced > Notifications prefs for 10.8 to use Notification Center instead of Growl for notifications / extension outputs
- Option to remove notifications from Notification Center by clicking on them (in Alfred's Advanced > Notifications preferences)
- Contextually show Notification Center [instead of Growl] in Script Extension prefs if NC being used in 10.8
- Search for kMDItemKeywords when looking for Applications to allow e.g iCal to match Calendar
- Option to escape $ in extensions, fixing a long standing issue with great extensions such as AlfredTweet
- Minor performance improvements when cleaning up Alfred window
- Update to compiling with Xcode 4.4
- Option to remember destination history for copy/move actions to save re-searching for folders (on by default in Alfred's Features > File Navigation preferences.
- More friendly OS X "Contacts Access" request message
- Allow numerics in scheme part of URL recognition Bug Fixes:
- Fix dragging images directly from Safari into image wells (for custom search icons etc)
- Fix Emacs key binding interference with new File Buffer keys
- Prevent 1p from being prefixed to 1Password names in Alfred's preferences
- Make File Buffer preferences Powerpack Only (accidentally left in for non-functional prefs for non-Powerpack users)
- Add new isMountainLion framework to start introducing new Mountain Lion features e.g. Notification Center
- Make Powerpack code field slightly wider to cater for different font sets
- Implement delegate to always show 10.8 notifications, even if Alfred is active
- Fix cmd+ shortcuts in file system navigation which was broken in improving file buffer emacs bindings support
- Fix URL detection which was incorrectly treating email addresses as urls when using the email keyword
- Fix a few spelling mistakes in Alfred's preferences
v1.2 [Apr 13, 2012]
This is a huge release with 2 new colour themes, Large type support and much more! See alfredapp.com for more details.
* 2 new themes from user theme competition - Dark and Smooth & Pistachio
* Large type support, use ⌘L to show the currently typed text or calculation in large type
* Drag results (files / images etc) out of Alfred into emails, graphics apps, Finder
* New 'Advanced' option for Default Result types, add any file type you like to the default results (still recommend open/find/[spacebar]prefix for file search)
* Overhaul to file searching algorithm allowing, now non-continuous word based matching
* Improvements to the 'in' keyword allowing for disjoint keyword matching
* More exact matching for 'text files' in the default results, no longer matches .ics files
* Improved decimal point configuration in the Calculator, now allowing forced decimal separator output for comma based locales
* Alfred.app no longer shows in results and typing 'alfred' now opens the preferences
* Add Xcode's new Applications location to the default search scope
* More flexibility on the Spell/Define keywords, allow matching on items not in the dictionary
* Less aggressive scientific notation rounding for the calculator for better 0 approximation errors
* More intelligent 'eject' keyword to prevent false errors when a drive is successfully ejected
* Code and performance improvements
* Fixed / improved text and help throughout the preferences
* Make MAS version startup / welcome sheet non resizable and close using Esc key
* Allow ⌘^Q and ⌘^W as hotkeys, previously blocked by over-protective code
* Update the core window renderer to fix a quirk behind the preference cog with transparent themes
* Remove deprecated code and make Alfred more future proofed for OS X
Keyboard and Mouse Recorder records and replays keyboard and mouse actinos.