AlertThingy brings the very latest updates from your favourite social networks direct to your desktop.

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AlertThingy brings the very latest updates from your favourite social networks direct to your desktop.

Plus send Tweets, update your Facebook status, upload photos to Flickr, post to Tumblr and more. With v3 AlertThingy makes it faster and easier to manage the online you. Plus you get the coolest looking RSS reader on the interweb.
Now, for business users we have Yammer, Basecamp and Huddle integrations. So you can mix work and play. Take control of your life streams with v3. With so much data it can be easy to suffer information overload. AlertThingy v3 provides a simple filtering system that allows you to make the data you're most interested in visually more obvious.
Quickly see all of your friends and contacts from different networks through the Contacts list. If you would like to send us feedback then please use the tab on the right of this page or you can use the feedback tab in the applicaton settings window.

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Howard Baines