Mac users interested in Xtrafinder 0.5 generally download:
Expand the capabilities of the finder tool in Mac OS by adding new features such as Dual Panel and Dual Window viewing modes, folder arrangement on top of other elements, patch copying options, hidden item displaying, quick data movement and copying, etc.
This program is a disk usage utility developed for Mac users who wish to know everything about disk space. Disk Inventory X helps you immediately identify the folders and files that occupy large chunks of space from your drives and analyze internal drives as well as external storage devices (flash drives, USB sticks, etc.).
DaisyDisk is a utility that helps you identify and delete large files from your Mac. It might prove to be of good use if you need to quickly reclaim disk space on your drive.
The program features a nicely-designed and intuitive interface, supports drag-and-drop actions, and works with various storage devices.
Additional suggestions for Xtrafinder 0.5 by our robot:
Reveal system files that are normally hidden on your Mac.
TotalFinder and XtraFinder. Make