Mac users interested in Unzip os x 10.5.08 generally download:
Open archives in a wide range of formats, including ZIP, RAR, 7Z, TAR, SIT, 7-Zip, 7zX, iShrink, SimplyRAR, Rarify, SITX, Keka, iArchiver, etc. Extract files from protected ZIP archives encrypted with 512-bit or AES 256-bit algorithms. Get the Growl notifications or an email when the process of decompression is over.
Zipeg features a simple interface, with basic archive extraction functions, like extracting, opening and previewing a file. The application integrates a powerful AES encryption feature, which makes is capable of decrypting password protected .zip and .rar files.
The Unarchiver is a program designed for Mac users who wish to have access to more file compressing features than the ones offered by the Mac default Archive Utility app. This application supports a wide variety of archive formats and integrates seamlessly with the Finder tool.
Extract archives, browse their content and preview images before decompressing them. Unzip archives in a wide range of formats, including RAR, 7Z, MSI, ZIP, ARJ, TAR, GZIP, CAB, STUFFIT, Z, BZIP2, PAX, GZIP, and EXE. Extract files from password-protected ZIP, 7Z, and RAR archives.
Unzippy is a free and easy-to-use software for decompressing or unarchiving the most popular types of archived files: ZIP, RAR, 7-ZIP, TAR.
Main features:
- Just drag & drop files.
- Supports all popular types of archived files.
- User friendly interface.