Mac users interested in Oligo analyzer generally download:
OLIGO Primer Analysis Software is the essential tool for designing and analyzing sequencing and PCR primers, synthetic genes, and various kinds of probes including siRNA and molecular beacons.
Based on the most up-to date nearest neighbor thermodynamic data, Oligo's search algorithms find optimal primers for PCR, including TaqMan, highly multiplexed, consensus or degenerate primers.
DNADynamo sequence analysis software is easy to use. It's user interface is focused on your DNA sequences, proteins and restriction enzyme sites. Sequencing data, oligonucleotide sequences, DNA/Protein annotations and notes can be added to each sequence.
Do you have a print-out of your sequence with the position of the primers penciled in? Are you using Excel to maintain a list of your oligos? Have you just moved from working on one gene to working on a similar one and wonder which primers you can still use for your PCR? Do you subclone and rearrange sequences and somewhere along the line lost track on which primer to use where?
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MLPA Designer automates the design of highly specific synthetic oligos for MLPA assays.
specific synthetic oligos for MLPA...of MLPA oligos
Beacon Designer helps design successful SYBR Green, TaqMan, LNA spiked TaqMan...
and locating oligos avoiding template
The app provide a range of functions essential to molecular biology experiments.
) Calculations for Oligos