Mac users interested in Notepad++ mac 10.6 generally download:
Check out the updated version of the Windows-based text editor compatible with Mac. Open and view documents in formats like TXT, edit them, save the changes, copy and paste content, organize multiple snippets, etc. Drag the text from other applications for management.
Mac Notepad organizes all of your notes in one place. This lightweight program allows you to quickly jot down all the thoughts that are going through your head in a very organized fashion. You are in charge of creating categories of the notes and notes within that category. The program supports drag-and-drop feature, so you can just drag the the text file you need to edit.
iNotePad is a feature-rich application developed by VoJou Software and is used for taking notes. It allows users to create folders, to lock items, to encrypt data, to publish content over the Internet, and enables the users to export content to mobile devices, all from the main window.
MacNote3LE is an advanced version of MacNote and is a whole new version of the earlier MacNote2. It still responds to commands very quickly and has a familiar interface, but also has many additional features, such as facilities for selecting...
NotePad is the Notepad replacement you've been looking for since converting from OS 9. NotePad can import your Classic Notepad file so you don't loose that critical data. You start with eight pages and the ability to add as many more as you need. It also adds some adtitional features like global search.
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CalcMadeEasy is one of the best multipurpose calculators, which makes it easy to do financial planning/decision making......
Length 9. Mass 10. Power 11.../Engineering. ** Notepad: App...also a notepad
Highly functional replacement for Apple's Note Pad program.
standard for notepad...of the notepad preferences...closed after 10 seconds
Create, view, organize, access and protect your notes.
A set of 10 templates...notes and notepad
AudioNote allows users to record notes with synchronized audio.
functionality of a notepad and seek 10 seconds prior
It allows you to save, copy, paste and organize all your favorite snippets.
hand everyday. Notepad
Take different kinds of notes linked to audio clips.
AudioNote - Notepad and Voice...AudioNote - Notepad and Voice...AudioNote - Notepad and Voice
Create and edit text files with ease and remove formatting when pasting text.
Notepad - Text...on the Notepad Dock icon
Create, export, and print text documents on your Mac.
simple notepad application. Clemenza's Notepad...However, Clemenza's Notepad comes
Edit text with a simple notepad app so you focus on the content only.
Notepad is a simple, light, native notepad...because Light Notepad
Record notes and audio synced with the best note taking app in the App Store!
functionality of a notepad and voice...full AudioNote - Notepad and Voice
Plain and simple text editor. You can use this wonderful too to process your plain text documents......
Basic Notepad is a plain...the Basic Notepad dock icon
AudioNote 2 - Notepad and Voice Recorder allows you to record audio notes.
AudioNote 2 - Notepad and Voice
Organize and search notes, thoughts, ideas, tasks, and errands using tags.
Notepad: Organized
Notepad Cloud allows you to access your notepad files from iOS cloud.
Notepad Cloud...access your notepad