Free blu ray player macos 10.5.8 social advice

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Macgo Mac Blu-ray Player provides you with a convenient playback experience for your media files. The array of supported formats is extensive, yet not limited only to common file types. Therefore, what differentiates this program from ordinary media players is the support for high definition videos, allowing you to enjoy a seamless cinema-like viewing experience.

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— Is it possible to hook my Blu-ray player up to my Mac from iPhone to play Blu-ray discs?I always played Blu-ray movies with my iPhone before. Now I got a Mac. Can I use the same one Blu...
Yes, seems that Mac Blu-ray Player has the AirX function, we can play Blu-ray video on iPhones, iPads, etc. directly. See more:

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Give you a smooth Blu-ray and DVD playback.

and video player for macOS...on other players, AnyRec Blu-ray Player could 

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