Mac users interested in Dvd player with pitch control generally download:
Audacity is an open source utility designed to help you record and edit audio files on your Mac. The program is packed with a wide range of sound editing options, supports various audio and video formats, and gives you access to high-quality output files in no time.
Ultimate DVD Player will playback DVD video discs and will allow you to change the speed (50% - 150%) and pitch (+/- 2 semitones). And yes, it will slow down the video as well. Great for checking out music DVD's! Also allows you to set loop points, bookmarks and many other usefull things.
Amazing Slow Downer is a Mac utility designed to help you alter the speed of your songs without changing their pitches. The program might prove to be of good use if you want to slow down a sound file to analyze it easier and more efficiently on your computer.
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A karaoke-style game that automatically awards points to players.
buy expensive...of competition, players sing along...maintains the pitch and tempo