Amazon kindle os x 10.6.8 social advice

Mac users interested in Amazon kindle os x 10.6.8 generally download:

Kindle 3.0 Free

Buy a book once and read it on any of your devices. Recognize the eBook file format and automatically set the parameters for the display of pages, browsing, etc. Customize backgrounds, fonts, sizes, scrolling speeds, interaction with links, and the display of images.

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— Although your system indicated that the latest version of Amazon's kindle version 3.0 is released on Feb, 2023, the program led me to apple store to download. And it is fail because Apple...
It seems that the latest version of Kindle for Mac is not available on the Apple Store, and only version 1.40 can be downloaded. It may be necessary to contact Amazon support for further assistance or to wait for the latest version to become available on the Apple Store.

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It is a full-featured media converter supplemented with video editing features.

Note 3, Nexus 10/7, Amazon Kindle Fire HDX 

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