Mac users interested in Adobe premiere cs6 generally download:
Turn your RAW footage data into outstanding movies while controlling the colors, light, effects and more. Includes an audio editor to refine the audio streaming. Supports opening multiple projects at the same time and edit 360/VR movies right on the same interface.
Import, manipulate, and export video files in various formats, including 8K, MP4, WMV, AVI, M4V, ASF, H.264 AVC, etc. on your Mac. Combine movies and still images, apply multiple filters and effects, add and edit audio files, adjust color parameters, etc.
Additional suggestions for Adobe premiere cs6 by our robot:
Convert MXF files to any video format.
Media Composer, Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple...Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe After Effects CS6
Output video formats fully supported by NLE programs such as FCP, iMovie, etc.
Media Composer, Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple...Adobe Creative Suite 6, Adobe After Effects CS6
With Adobe Extension Manager you can install and manage new extensions.
CS6, InDesign CS6, Photoshop CS6, Prelude CS6 and Premiere
Desktop application providing a virtual (VR) on-screen keyboard that displays color-coded shortcuts on each key of the virtual keyboard....
Pro X and Adobe Premiere Pro, 3D...Prelude CS6, Premiere Pro CS5 & CS6, Premiere
XtoCC translates Final Cut Pro X Library XML (fcpxml).
Adobe's Creative Cloud apps, Premiere Pro CS6
100+ native filters & transitions for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro.
Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro CS6...included with Adobe After Effects
Video filter plugin for Premiere to reduce grain and noise in digital video.
in for Premiere (Mac)...Premiere (Mac) supports Abobe Premiere Pro CS6...for Premiere