Recent activity

Installed 8 years ago
Garry's Mod
Garry's Mod - Garry's Mod allows you to spawn objects to create your own contraptions.
AdBlock Master
AdBlock Master - Block various types of ads in your default web browser.
Removed 8 years ago
Browser Care
Browser Care - Powerful application that allows you to keep your browsers clean and under control since navigating accumulates files on your Mac.
WavePad - Full-featured professional sound editor.
View all 15 programs
Installed 8 years ago
Advanced Mac Cleaner
Advanced Mac Cleaner - Improve the performance of your system with just a few clicks.
Browser Care
Browser Care - Powerful application that allows you to keep your browsers clean and under control since navigating accumulates files on your Mac.
Dr.Cleaner - Clean Disk & Optimize Memory
Dr.Cleaner - Clean Disk & Optimize Memory - Optimize the performance of your Mac with just a few clicks.
Removed 8 years ago
Mac Informer
Mac Informer - Easily update apps from App Store and other sources.
Installed 8 years ago
Mac Informer
Mac Informer - Easily update apps from App Store and other sources.