
Major7 Chords

free rating ChordCast Team
ChordCast is a chord editor written in Java.
XML format to save chord...using PNG images for chords. It requires J2RE 1.4
WIDI Audio To MIDI Audio Unit
It is designed for real...
plugin recognizes chords and displays chord...the delay of chord indication. Adjustable
free rating Jazz-Soft
Have you ever tried to add interactive music on your website? If you did...
to publish music lessons, chords and lyrics, online games
rating Pettinhouse
HumbuckerGuitar is an innovative 2Gb electric guitar sample library dedicated to Rock...
Dedicated key switches - Power Chords ( Opened and Muted ) - Palm
Guitar Methods: Finger Trainer MAC
free rating Guitar Methods
Get ready to become very good, very quickly. Ever wished you were good enough to play 'that' solo...
learning the most useful Chords and Scales which
rating Pettinhouse
Pettinhouse DirectGuitar 2.0 special Christmas offer...
tapping, trills, and octave chords. These samples include nuances
Crescendo Music Notation Free for Mac
free rating NCH Software
Crescendo Free is a simple and intuitive way to create musical compositions. Crescendo allows you to create...
transcription * Create dotted notes, chords, add repeats