
Eclipse IDE

Eclipse IDE for Java
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The Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse projects provide tools and frameworks that span the entire software development...
Eclipse projects provide...services and web applications. Eclipse also provides support
Arduino Eclipse IDE
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This application is reusing the Arduino SDK utility and provides...
one package. The Arduino eclipse plugin...monitoring as the Arduino IDE
Visual Swing for Eclipse
free rating
Visual Swing for Eclipse is a GUI designer tool, which consists of a set of Eclipse Plug-ins. It aims to provide...
provide a Swing designer for Eclipse for Java desktop developers...GUI designer for the Eclipse IDE
free rating
This is the most recent distribution of the GlassFish Tools Bundle for Eclipse, containing Eclipse 3.5...
Bundle for Eclipse, containing Eclipse 3.5.1 Java EE IDE, GlassFish...have the Eclipse IDE
Eclipse C++
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An IDE for C/C++ developers with Mylyn integration. Most of development...
operating system. The Eclipse IDE...development mode. Eclipse, is a modern IDE
Eclipse Mobile
free rating The Eclipse Foundation
The essential starting point for Mobile developers, including a Java IDE, C language support...
IDE, C language support, a Git client, XML Editor and Mylyn. Eclipse
Eclipse Perl
free rating Eclipse.org
EPIC is an open source Perl IDE (including editor and debugger) based on the Eclipse platform...
IDE (including editor and debugger) based on the Eclipse...extensible free Perl IDE
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
rating The Eclipse Foundation