FileMagnet 1.2

Free FileMagnet is an app that allows you to transfer files to your iOS devices.
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Latest version:
1.2.2 See all
Magnetism, Inc.
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Used by 120 people
Awards: Mac Informer Editor Rating 5
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FileMagnet is an app that allows you to transfer files to your iOS devices. There are two parts of this app, one is the app that you install on your iPhone, iPod or iPad, and the other one is the "uploader" or desktop app. This installs both on Windows and Mac OS X and allows you to send files to the iOS device. The desktop app is absolutely free, but you need to the iOS app for it to be of any use, and it is $4.99 at the App Store.

When you have the FileMagnet app running on both your iOS device and your Mac, they will connect automatically. If for any reason they fail to connect automatically, you can use the manual connection dialog to input your iOS device's IP address. Once a connection has been established, you can simply drag and drop files to the window and they will be sent to the device. You can also drag files before a connection is made and they will be uploaded at the moment, when connection is available.

The iOS app allows you to open most popular file formats. You can open text files in a variety of formats, including PDF and DOC. It also supports video and audio files. There is also security available in the form of a password lock down.

JF Senior editor
José Fernández
Editor rating:

Screenshots (3)

Review summary


  • Automated connection
  • Delayed file transfers
  • Password lock options


  • Sometimes loses the connection

Comments (2)


Your vote:

I would like to have FileMagnet on my Mac again. It worked well. But there are so many things to click on this page and it is not clear that even one of them will download FileMagnet. I do have (or did have) the FIleMagnet app on my iPhone.

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Jennifer Svendsen
Guest, YI am looking for it too. The link is missing on this page. Did you find another place to download it?

Jun 25, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply