What Watch is a powerful tool that covers many areas and techniques of astrology. Its purpose is to get quick access to relevant information and displaying it in a concise and no-nonsense way: Keep it simple while providing all that is necessary. What Watch assumes that you're already familiar with some basics of astrology, and has an extensive tutorial explaining how to use the astrological techniques implemented here.
What Watch draws and prints chart wheels, including synastry and composite, draws tables of essential dignities, calculates element and quality balances and allows analysing birth aspects using a 'harmonic aspectarian'. It is also a tool for the experienced astrologer who wants to follow closely transit, progression and solar arc cycles, including transits on composite charts. The program creates ephemeris lists for any given combination of planets providing dates of the transit itself, of stations and of sign changes.
Advanced modules include search and analysis for groups of charts, an interactive map for relocation and maps similar to Astro*Carto*Graphy. All features are explained in a built-in tutorial.
What Watch also has an atlas and time zone conversion.
What Watch uses Swiss Ephemeris for calculations. Objects available include the Luminaries, the planets Mercury to Neptune, Pluto, the centaurs Chiron, Pholus, Nessus and Asbolus, the asteroid Ceres, the planetoids Quaoar and Sedna, the Moon's nodes and Lilith.
What Watch can share data with other astrology programs using the Astrological Exchange Format AAF.
What Watch is Free Software under the GNU General Public License v3.