
This program is developed by chaz788inc and named webpager.


This program is developed by chaz788inc and named webpager. Webpager allows users with no web based programming experience to create full websites just by asking a few basic questions.
The Webpager software will allow you to create a website with:
1. maximum of five page
2. Title of the webpage
3. Navigation bar
4. Full colour control
5. Full font control
6. Image control
7. Background control
8. Text decoration control
9. Border control
10.Link control
Webpager will create your website purely in HTML5 and it gives you the source code to your website to allow you to edit it to your hearts desire.

This project is open source, please go to www.chaz788inc.moonfruit.com for more information.
What's new in this version:
Webpager now allows you to have borders on your header and body. You can control the colour, width and decoration of the border. Another addition is that you can now add a link to the images you add to your website.

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