
Improve your desktop view by automatically changing the wallpapers.


If you care about how your desktop looks, then you'll be happy to try this solution developed by Joe Peplowski and called Wallpaperer.

It uses a comprehensive library from the Reddit community to automatically change the wallpaper of your PC at certain intervals.

Visually, its interface looks more like a main menu with a couple of tabs, that include various configuration settings. The accent hasn't been put on the graphical aspect, but more on functionality. Therefore, the main menu and the buttons look regular and there are no graphical customizations available.

As per its capabilities, Wallpaperer comes with several status bar menu features, such as viewing its post on Reddit or saving a certain image to your computer.

Also, thanks to the status bar, individuals can view various information about wallpapers, refresh it, or vote to downgrade or upgrade its popularity. Other integrated options include the display of images on multiple monitors or the ability to set the intervals on which the wallpaper should change.

In conclusion, Wallpaperer represents an effective way to automatically or manually change your desktop background.


  • Has a 'Save image' option
  • Changes images at certain intervals
  • Comes with a comprehensive image library


  • The menu looks regular
  • Misses graphical customizations
This program received 1 award
Joseph Peplowski
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