Vienna Instruments Pro Uninstall

Vienna Instruments PRO, the most powerful sample player on the market


Vienna Instruments PRO, the most powerful sample player on the market, will improve your work-flow dramatically.

Make your creative process faster and easier, but also add human behavior to your music. You can customize all presets and articulations to your preferred way of creating music. Stack multiple instruments in a single instance of Vienna Instruments PRO, play them with polyphonic legato, and breathe even more life into the samples by controlling the performance accuracy of your virtual musicians in real-time, at the touch of a single fader. Super fast loading-times, time stretching, built-in reverb and EQ, and a new user interface with basic and advanced views – among so many other cool features – come together to create a powerhouse of orchestral production that will add life to your music in ways you never imagined.
- Human Performance Control for adjusting the timing and intonation of your virtual musicians.
- Polyphonic (!) legato.
- Super-fast loading times, even after cold starting. Load progress bar. You can even play the sounds while the sample patches are still loading!
- New GUI design: Basic View for an easy overview. Advanced View displays all of the important parameters in the same window.
- Tuning scales: You can even switch scales using controllers while you’re playing, e.g., from just intonation to an Arabic scale, or use your own scales.
- Time stretching – works great on, e.g., staccatos, runs, crescendos etc.
- Built-in reverb (algorithmic for low latency).
- New options for switching articulations, e.g., sequence map and interval map.
- Slot rack for up to 8 articulations per cell with volume slider and power panning for each patch. Stack your own powerful multi-instruments using auto voicing.
- Separate volume control and EQ for each matrix.
- Many options to customize your patches and articulations for your personal work-flow.
- New browser with search function.
- Keyboard display with 128 keys, showing all key switches, with adjustable volume zones and instrument ranges for stacked instruments.

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