TimePassages Folder

TimePassages was created as an introduction to the world of astrology software.


TimePassages Astrology Software allows you to easily generate interactive natal charts, transits, progressions, compatibility reports and other interpretation reports for yourself, friends and loved ones.

These reports are professionally designed and feature some of the best-written text on the market today!

Mouse Over any chart feature to see a quick astrology software program mouse oversummary of that item. For example, when you roll over Jupiter, the status bar reads: Jupiter in Capricorn (2° Cap 03') in the Fifth House.

Point and Click on any chart feature to open the astrology software program point and clickinterpretations window with detailed interpretive text for that feature. Our acclaimed interpretation text is the best in the business!

TimePassages Basic Edition program was created as an introduction to the world of astrology software, and has some exciting features to start the exploration of astrology charts.

TimePassages Standard Edition comes with the Report Generator allowing you to generate full astrology reports for your friends and family.

TimePassages Advanced Edition is our premier professional astrology software which packs all of TimePassages's outstanding features into one bundle.

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