Timecard X ist the easy time tracker for OSX The time tracker will be started via the menubar icon.
Timecard X ist the easy time tracker for OSX
The time tracker will be started via the menubar icon. With the icon you have your current work time and the status of the tracking at a glance.
Furthermore you can add a special work label the every tracking.
Timecard X syncs via iCloud with Timecard i.
(Timecard i for iOS is available in the iOS AppStore)
You can easily pause the timerecording and record your workbreak as well
- Worklabels:
You can choose a specific worklabel for every recording so that you can manage more than one work at once.
- Manual Add:
Forget one complete day? No probleme just add it manually!
- Filters:
You can apply filters to get exactly the dates you want to see.
- Complete Overview:
You can see your entries on the overview page. Here you see the time of work start and work end, the total worktime, the duration of the break and you can save notes for every entry. You can edit them and delete them.
-Export Data:
You can export your data as PDF or CSV file.
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