The Thieving Tower is an enjoyable game for Mac where your goal is to climb walls, collect treasures, and win the heart of the princess from the top of a tower. On your way to the peak you'll need to avoid colliding with obstacles, gather as many items as you can, and attempt to overcome other players' highscores.
The app brings an impressive art style and nice background music, provides you with various game options (for setting up screen resolution, sound volume, etc.), and comes with a handy help guide. You can choose between three gameplay modes: Training Towers (you learn how to play), The Eternal Tower (unlimited level), and Ghost Race (against other users).
The game is simple to play, especially if you start off with the tutorials. The training levels teach you how to climb the wall using your mouse and provide you with info about the obstacles (archers, flying objects, etc.) that you may find on your way to the top of the tower.
Another thing I like about The Thieving Tower is that if offers you directions when climbing the walls of the towers. The app shows you in which angle it's safe to make your next jump without falling off the tower.
To conclude, The Thieving Tower is a fun and addictive game for Mac. The app brings unique graphics, lets you play for unlimited time without spending any money, and is suitable for users of all ages.