Templates for Google Docs

The ideal tool for users of Google Docs...


The ideal tool for users of Google Docs, Templates for Google Docs - GN provides you with over 35,000 unique designs for Docs documents, spreadsheet templates for Sheets, first-class slideshow themes for Slides, over 2000 images, and graphics for illustrating your content.

All templates are available in the US and international paper sizes.
Templates for Google Docs - GN unlocks all the items within the bundle and enables free content updates. With Templates for Google Docs - GN your work will always be the most productive.
Royalty-free stock images, illustrations, photographs in a fast-growing library. It can be used in both personal and commercial projects.
All items support the full range of the editing capabilities available in Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.
The templates come in the .docx, .dotx, .xlsx, .xltx, .potx and .pptx formats.

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