SuperScan - IP Scanner

Detects multiple kinds of devices currently connected to your network.


SuperScan - IP scanner is a light application intended for detecting devices that are currently connected to your network.

In this regard, the tool can help you spot unwanted guests so that you can take the measures necessary to get rid of them and, consequently, increase security and transfer speeds.

The tool supports finding a wide range of devices, such as cameras, desktop computers, servers, printers, mobiles, routers, tablets and many others. It is extremely easy to use: just press the Scan button and wait until the results are ready, which luckily will not take much time. Every found device is shown on a list, and, in addition to its name, you can also view the exact time it was seen on your network for the last time.

There are a few additional settings you may want to consider. Thus, in addition to performing on-demand scans, you can configure the tool to continuously monitor the network. Fortunately, you can set limits to the scan by specifying one of the available net masks as well as an IP range.

All in all, SuperScan - IP scanner can help administrators monitor their networks more efficiently. Regrettably, the application cannot detect devices that do not respond to ICMP requests. The product is free to use, which makes it a cost-effective solution.


  • Detects multiple device types
  • Perform very fast searches
  • Allows setting limits, such as net mask and IP range


  • May fail to detect devices that do not respond to ICMP requests
AccessAgility LLC.
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